

Dewdul is a project I've been passionately developing since July 2023. It represents my journey of pushing myself to learn and grow, building it from the ground up with minimal reliance on existing libraries. While it may have its quirks because of this, I’ve come to embrace them as a testament to how far I’ve come. Dewdul is a space for art and self-expression. I'm always open to feedback and suggestions—feel free to reach out to me at



  • Excessive bullying is not allowed. Banter is okay.
  • Mark your NSFW content as such when posting your images.
  • Be respectful to one another. Racism, sexism, or any kind of discrimination is not allowed.

Image Content

  • NSFW content is allowed, but you must toggle the NSFW button when posting your images. If you continuously do not mark your content appropriately, you will be SHUNNED.
  • While NSFW content is allowed... and encouraged! There is a line that cannot be crossed. If you cross that line you will be banned. If you have questions you can reach out to me.
  • Doxxing is not allowed. (posting private, identifiable information)
  • Again... Racism, sexism, or any kind of discrimination is not allowed.
Future Plans

While I am constantly making improvements to the site, I think it's important to let everyone know what my plans are. Below you will find a running list of improvements that I plan to make... eventually :)

  • Overal UI needs updating... lots of places where the styling is very simple and needs some love.
  • Ability to 'Block' users, specific tags, and individual images from showing up on your feed, and also hide comments from blocked users.
  • Ability to report images as NSFW.
  • Autosaving. I actually had this implemented in the past. However, due to optimization issues with the save files, I axed it for now. I do think it's an important feature and will ponder how to better implement it.
  • Select tool for moving, rotating, resizing, and copying portions of your drawing!
  • Add local saving and remove the requirement to login to Dewdul in order to draw (You will still need to login to post the image). Perhaps also default the save to be local and make saving progress online a premium feature
  • Leaderboards! I plan to add a tab to the main page to showcase the Users with the most Stars by Month, Week, Day and All Time!
  • Contests?? This can be done pretty easily by utilizing the existing tag system, and I plan to do this if Dewdul becomes popular. However, an integrated contest system that allows anyone to host a contest sounds like a neat idea.
  • Improve the Oil Brush and the Crayon tools. You've no idea how tough these are to implement from scratch lol But I plan to improve these brushes over time, including making them blend a bit better by adding a trail.
  • I will add more as I think of them lol

Please also note that while I intend to stay true to the Dewdul community, I do eventually plan on adding some sort of revenue stream. I do not know what that will look like yet. Could be minimal ads (but I don't like ads), or could be some sort of membership for premium features. I will never make Stars purchasable.

Release Notes


  • Added the ability to sign up with any email in addtiion to using Google sign in. Note that Dewdul does not store passwords. Instead an authentication code will be sent to your email every time you need to log back in. Also updated the UI for this slightly... Still needs improvements though.


  • Added the ability to zoom on Mobile devices using your fingers :)


  • Fixed the comments section on the image page. You can now reply to a reply. Also fixed the UI so it is much cleaner.


  • Made some UI updates for the Dewdul Board drawing page.
One More Thing!

Some things I feel worthy of mentioning.

  • Thank you! Thank you for reading this and thank you for using Dewdul. It means a lot
  • I struggled a lot with optimizing the save files and animations. Some sacrifices had to be made, which results in large file size animations being reduced in quality to save space. I experimented with GIF, MP4, AVI, WebM, WebP, and ultimately landed on APNG. This allows me to keep color accuracey and also maintain a crisp image at low resolutions.
  • I will add more as I think of them lol